Dr. Bridget Rennie-Salonen PhD LBME LRSM PGDip BA
Dr Bridget Rennie-Salonen, flautist, lecturer, and practitioner and researcher in Performing Arts Health, is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Woodwinds at the Music Department of Stellenbosch University, lecturing in flute, Baroque traverso, woodwind pedagogy, repertoire studies and orchestral studies, directing wind ensembles, and supervising research. She is highly sought after as a flute pedagogue, and many of her former students have excelled in competitions and in overseas studies, won scholarships for study abroad, and now occupy key performance, entrepreneurial, and educational positions in the South African (SA) music sector. Bridget serves on the committee of the Forum for Instrumental and Vocal Teaching of the International Society for Music Education (ISME).
Bridget’s PhD (Music) from the University of the Free State (utilising Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) focused on musicians’ occupational health curriculum content, implementation, and assessment. As a Licensed Body Mapping Educator and holding certificates in the Essentials of Performing Arts Medicine and in Functional Movement Anatomy, she is particularly interested in the field of somatics and the interaction of the psychological, physical, and artistic aspects in performing artists, from preventative, therapeutic, and performance optimisation perspectives. Bridget is Chairperson of the steering committee of the SA Performing Arts Health Association and is core member of the international Musicians’ Health Literacy Consortium, researching musicians’ health education and health literacy.
A well-known performer in multiple genres, Bridget has appeared as soloist with several SA orchestras. As the Solo Principal Flute of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra for many years, she was the recipient of the prestigious Ben & Faye Carklin Award for Artistic Excellence. Recent awards include Fiesta, Silver Ovation, Fanie Beetge Academic Prize, and Oppenheimer Memorial Trust awards. As a freelancer, Bridget is the principal flute of the Cape Town Festival Orchestra, regular guest principal with the Free State Symphony Orchestra, and Baroque traverso flautist with Cape Town Baroque.
Performance Reviews
“Die leidende fluitpart het Rennie-Salonen egter kans gegee om haar begaafdheid te toon. Sy het presisie, beheer, en stilistiese akkuraatheid indrukwekkend toegepas. Terselfdertyd het sy in die siel van die musiek gedelf en dit meesleurend in die vernuftige tweede beweging vertolk. In die kadenzas kon hul musikale samespel na waarde geskat word”.
“Last Wednesday’s concert was Salonen’s first performance of her newly acquired Baroque flute, and I was delighted that they both made a second appearance in this concert! The blend of soft rounded sounds and deep rich woody mezzo register was expertly navigated by nimble fingers, and gave a Yin to the harder harpsichord’s Yang. I could hear very much more of this!”
“Haar dramatiese voordrag van Voice of the Whale (George Crumb, 1971) het die gehoor tot stilte gebring met ’n soms onpeilbare tegniek wat fluit, stem en tong kombineer om ’n oseaan van oerklanke te skep. Dawerende applous was haar beloning. Ietwat meer tradisioneel was Bridget se vertolking van Poco Adagio (CPE Bach), en die hartgebroke Syrinx (Claude Debussy), terwyl haar weergawe van Winter Spirits (Katherine Hoover) ’n gewaardeerde terugkeer tot meer ‘oorspronklike’ klanke gemaak het. Die fluit in sy oorspronklike vorm is immers tienduisende jaar oud, en dis toepaslik dat iemand van Bridget Rennie-Salonen se formaat dit in haar aanbieding vier.”
“In an impeccable performance of Mozart’s “Flute Concerto No.1” Bridget Rennie-Salonen convincingly proved her reputation as one of the country’s finest flautists. Easily mastering the rich variety of figurative patterns she was equally impressive in a dynamic control that covered the entire range of her instrument. It was however the perfect phrasing and sheer beauty of tone that made listening to her playing such a special and great pleasure. Thus both the lyrical lines of the “Adagio” and the floating lightness of the Rondo Finale came to rank as the truly “Magic” highlights of yesterday’s concert.”
“Sondagmiddag se konsert was ‘n kosbare kleinood. …’n Grasieuse, fyn genuanseerde vertolking het voorts oor die waarderende gehoor gespel. Tydens die cadenza van die eerste beweging, was haar subtiele rubatos sprekend van musikale wasdom. Die Adagio non troppo is voorts swewend en met net die nodigste sweempie vibrato vertolk. ‘n Speelse dog doelgerigte Rondo het die Fluitkonsert sprankelend afgesluit. Rennie Salonen het hier deurgaans uitstekende klankbeheer oor al die fluitregisters gehandhaaf in tegnies veeleisende lopies wat met gemak en akkuraatheid bemeester is.”
“Die piccolo-speelster Bridget Rennie het haar by die groep aangesluit vir ‘n baie goeie uitvoering van die gewildeV ivaldi Konsert in C-Majeur vir Piccolo. Rennie se betroubare tegniek het onder meer verseker dat goeie asembeheer haar in staat gestel het om besonder lang frases te maak, wat sy goed afgerond het.”