The ensemble of expertise: Effective teamwork in musicians’ rehabilitation incorporating Body Mapping
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:29:40+02:00April
The Musicians’ Health Literacy Consortium, Aims, Progress and Challenges
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:31:25+02:00December
Your body is your instrument: The link between posture, breath, sound, technique, and expression
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:35:33+02:00September
Musicians’ Health: Somatic awareness for optimal performance and injury prevention
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:34:08+02:00February
Tertiary student musicians’ experiences of an occupational health course: Psychological, physical, and artistic integration optimise performance proficiencies and health
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:40:18+02:00Tertiary music students’ occupational health curriculum content, implementation, and assessment.
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:36:40+02:00
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