Efficacy of Body Mapping as the somatic education component of a musicians’ occupational health course
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:08:41+02:00Optimising well-being, performance skills, and return from embouchure dystonia in a French Horn player through an integrated team approach to rehabilitation incorporating Body Mapping.
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:07:58+02:00Development and design of the Musicians’ Health Literacy Questionnaire (MHL-Q19)
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:06:39+02:00An international interdisciplinary approach to rehabilitating embouchure dystonia: A French Horn case study
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:04:35+02:00Tertiary students’ experiences of a musicians’ occupational health course: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:05:11+02:00October
Collaboration in tertiary level musicians’ occupational health education in South Africa
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:10:34+02:00July
Towards a model for musicians’ occupational health education at tertiary level in South Africa
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:15:44+02:00June
A collaborative model for musicians’ occupational health education, with particular emphasis on the role of Body Mapping in the somatic education component
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:16:55+02:00July
Student musicians’ experiences of an occupational health course based on the Body Mapping approach: Preliminary PhD research findings
Bryn Hunter2020-11-30T12:18:57+02:00
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